2,654. After looking at the stats on my phone that’s the average amount of notifications I was getting in the average day.
For some that might not be a lot but for me it was insane.
Last year when the world seem to hit the pause button and things started to slow down our world and business got louder than ever.
2020 taught me a lot, but one of the most precious things I gained from a year of chaos, is the gift of silence.
When I was younger I used to hate being in silence.
I hated not having the radio on, couldn’t sleep without white noise, would rather be in a crowd full of people or check my latest updates but I never stopped and asked myself why I needed the noise.
I believe so many people get caught up in the noise and it robs them of their potential.
When you give away your peace to the noise, the updates, the dings, the buzzes you can give away everything.
As someone who professionally runs social media accounts, don’t get me wrong. The world of information and connection we live in is beautiful.
But don’t let it be louder than your peace.
This weekend I encourage you to practice silence. Start with 1 min, then 5, then 7, then 10 and keep going until you’ve mastered silence.
You’ll be amazed at what you actually start hearing.